Current Issue
2024 Vol.43, Issue 6
Analysis of noise generation mechanism for two-phase flow of refrigerant in evaporator inlet pipe of refrigerator
냉장고 증발기 입구 배관의 냉매 이상유동에 의한 소음 발생 메커니즘 분석
Jooyoung Lee, Sangheon Lee, Cheolung Cheong, Taehun Kim, and Junhyo Koo
이주영, 이상헌, 정철웅, 김태훈, 구준효
Analysis of noise generation mechanism for two-phase flow of refrigerant in evaporator inlet pipe of refrigerator
Research on the transmission loss measurement and application to analyze the detection effectiveness of line array sensor in deep-sea environments
심해 환경에서 선배열 센서의 탐지 효과도 분석을 위한 음파 전달 손실 측정 및 적용 연구
Hansoo Kim, Sungho Cho, Donhyug Kang, and Sunhyo Kim
김한수, 조성호, 강돈혁, 김선효
Research on the transmission loss measurement and application to analyze the detection effectiveness of line array sensor in deep-sea environments
Robust recursive total least squares algorithm
견실한 재귀형 완전 최소 자승 알고리즘
Jun-Seok Lim and Yong-Gook Pyeon
임준석, 편용국
Robust recursive total least squares algorithm
Emotion recognition using spatio-temporal feature fusion of electroencephalography signal and the corresponding audio signal
뇌전도와 해당 오디오 신호의 시공간적 특징 융합을 이용한 감정인식
Ju-Hwan Lee and Hyoung-Gook Kim
이주환, 김형국
Emotion recognition using spatio-temporal feature fusion of electroencephalography signal and the corresponding audio signal
A study on inversion method of rotating monopole source for estimating the location of propeller singing noise source
프로펠러 명음소음원의 위치 추정을 위한 단극자 회전소음원의 역산 기법
Minseuk Park, Keunhwa Lee, Youngmin Choo, Myungsung Koo, and Jungmo Jung
박민석, 이근화, 추영민, 구명성, 정정모
A study on inversion method of rotating monopole source for estimating the location of propeller singing noise source
Improving lateral resolution in ultrasound imaging through structured illumination techniques
구조화 조명 기법을 통한 초음파 영상의 측면 해상도 향상
Hyunsu Choi, Jaesok Yu, and Jihun Kim
최현수, 유재석, 김지훈
Improving lateral resolution in ultrasound imaging through structured illumination techniques
Analysis of the noise reduction performance of indoor shoes and mats using a simulator (‘Aittemi’) for children running indoors
어린이 뛰어다님 시뮬레이터(“아이뜀이”) 활용 실내화 및 매트류의 층간 소음 저감 성능 분석
Min-Jeong Song, Hyeon-Ku Park, and Jong-Kwan Ryu
송민정, 박현구, 류종관
Analysis of the noise reduction performance of indoor shoes and mats using a simulator (‘Aittemi’) for children running indoors
Measurements of physiological responses to noise-induced stress: A scoping review
소음 스트레스 생체 반응 측정 방법에 대한 주제범위 문헌고찰
Jihyun Cheon, You Jeong Hong, Hye Jin Shin, and Eunju Jeong
천지현, 홍유정, 신혜진, 정은주
Measurements of physiological responses to noise-induced stress: A scoping review
Comparative analysis of binaural microphone measurements and inter-rater reliability for soundscape research
사운드스케이프 연구를 위한 바이노럴 마이크로폰 및 측정자 간 측정 결과 비교
Wan-Ki Moon, Geon-Hee Kim, Jae-Yun Jeon, and Joo-Young Hong
문완기, 김건희, 전재윤, 홍주영
Comparative analysis of binaural microphone measurements and inter-rater reliability for soundscape research
A literature review and resident survey on floor impact sound insulation performance by structural systems in apartment buildings
공동주택 구조형식별 바닥충격음 차단성능에 관한 문헌조사 및 거주자 음환경 인식조사
Sang Hee Park, Hye-kyung Shin, Jin-hee Jeong, and Kyoung-woo Kim
박상희, 신혜경, 정진희, 김경우
A literature review and resident survey on floor impact sound insulation performance by structural systems in apartment buildings
Floor structure for the reduction of floor impact noise of apartment with concrete slab less than 210 mm
210 mm 미만 콘크리트 슬라브 공동주택의 바닥충격음 저감을 위한 바닥구조 방안
Seong-Shin Hong, Seung-Min Lee, and Chan-Hoon Haan
홍성신, 이승민, 한찬훈
Floor structure for the reduction of floor impact noise of apartment with concrete slab less than 210 mm